Leaving on a jet plane
My one little bag is packed and stowed overhead and I'm on my way solo to SF to see my son. He has graciously offered me a bed on his floor. We have plans to explore his wonderful city and head up to Napa for a day. The weather forecast couldn't be better.
Last night before I left I was interviewed by Susan Stamberg of NPR. We spent 15 minutes talking about Blogging and the other things that occupy my retirement days. Seriously, we did attend a TM fundraising dinner at which she was the featured guest. It was an elegant affair, the chef (a friend of the hosts) coming all the way from Mexico. After eating beef tenderloin and Chilean sea bass and Mexican tiramisu and so much more decadent food and drinking way too much wine, we ended up chatting with Susan, as though she had been a lifelong friend. In her current self-defined role at NPR she pursues stories and interviews of her choosing. In fact she is headed to SF on Tuesday to do an onstage interview of Adam Gopnik, a New Yorker writer, at the Herbst Theater. She asked if I wrote every day and I talked about my recent shift. She asked about my readers. I was excited to tell her all about you, you know who you are!
Then it was time to go home since my husband and Jake were taking me to Dulles at 5:30 am. It was a short night. But here I am somewhere up I the sky cruising toward salt lake City, where I hope to make my 45-minute connection which will take me on to SF.
Did I mention I attended an all-day workshop yesterday on the friendship of women? It was fascinating, reaffirming my abiding love for the female friends in my life.
It's now time to break out the hard-boiled egg and crackers I packed for breakfast since the food is pretty much nonexistent on flights these days. More from sunny SF!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Travel safe and have a wonderful visit! It sounds like a great way to kick off the trip, the dinner, the wine and time with the featured guest.
Have a great time. SF is such a terrific place to visit.
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