Monday, January 03, 2005

New Year's Resolution

I went to a yoga nidra (otherwise known as “yoga sleep”) session on New Year’s Day. Marianna systematically talked us through every part of the body and helped us visualize the various shakras that comprise the human body. Perhaps the most important thing she did was to ask each of us to come up with the equivalent of a New Year’s resolution, or mantra, that we came back to repeatedly during the session. It was a profoundly effective way to start the new year.

My mantra for 2005 is “I will believe in myself and my actions.” I have typically looked to the feedback from others to legitimize my actions, often falling into the pit of imagining negative feedback that really doesn’t exist. I have to work to convince myself that everything I do is with honest and well-meaning intentions. If others perceive it differently, so be it.

I hope that this will be a resolution I keep for life!


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