Saturday, January 29, 2005

Temple Micah's Indian Ocean Fleet

Last week at Shabbat services, Danny (our rabbi) challenged us to buy boats – not just any boats, but replacement boats for those who lost their only way to make a living in the recent Tsunami. A “fully loaded” fishing boat goes for a mere $2,000 in that part of the world. He suggested that we shoot for buying 5 new boats, as just one tangible way of trying to help these unfortunate people. Last week $10,000 sounded like a big sum. He announced today that the check for the 5 boats was “in the mail” and more money was still coming in. That meant that a whole lot of people had contributed, because I know we gave only $27. This is a congregation that was born for social action of any positive sort! They always come through.

Laughingly we suggested that the boats be named the SS Genesis, SS Exodus, SS Leviticus, SS Numbers, and SS Deuteronomy in honor of the 5 books of Moses.

Mazel tov to us for putting 5 fishermen back in business!


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