Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Fascination with Lentils

I am somewhat incredulous at how many people continue to ask Google the question: “How do lentils grow?” and end up on a post I did over a year ago.

I remind myself that I have written much better posts than this one, but this is their ticket to Looking2live. Do they ever come back? Probably not. If you are a reader attracted by your curiosity about lentils, PLEASE leave me a comment letting me know.

I would never know this if it weren’t for my StatCounter that reveals this sort of trivia all the time. They search on HOW LENTILS GROW, NYDJ JEANS, SAD DOG STORIES every single day. The lentils people come mainly from the UK.

There are other combinations of city, computer type, and operating system that let me know when faithful readers visit my Blog. I can say with certainty that the person with an older computer in San Francisco, who has been a loyal daily reader for years and never left a comment, came again to read. I know when Richard, MOI, Reya, Pauline, Gewels, Steve, OldLady, Rise (in Ireland), and a few more have stopped by. It’s sort of like an open house that is always there for a cuppa something with whoever is in the neighborhood.

But this fascination with lentils continues to amaze me!


Blogger GEWELS said...

When did you write about lentils? Did I miss that post? Damn!!!
I LOVE lentils.
I guess I must go back and read it now.

So, I can't just lurk here anytime without you knowing about it?
Are you Big Brother?
Can no one remain sneaky in this world? Geesh- obviously not.

3:10 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Gewels -- Lurkers are welcome! But if you come back often, I will give you a lurker number!

I think the lentil post was before you joined my Blogger family. It was nothing to write home about, but obviously people want to know about these little legumes we take for granted.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Richard said...

Those search terms can be intersting. On my blog, Anthony de Croud is the most popular draw (more than half my search hits). It is sad to think a piece of SPAM e-mail generates so much interest. I also suspect when it is making the rounds because of a sudden spike in search hits.

Then, of course, there are all sorts of other interesting search terms. Lately, I have been getting a large number for tooth aches and root canals. My favourite toothy one was: my filling came out and my tooth healed.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Richard -- I too get a lot of tooth searches, given I have written about braces and root canals and such. I also get a lot of hits for radioactive iodine and Trilyte (prep for colonoscopy).

5:00 PM  
Blogger bulletholes said...

i DON'T EVEN WANT TO KNOW HOW PEOPLE GOT TO MY PLACE OR WHO HAS BWEEN THERE TODAY OR WHO MAY HAVE BEEN 9excuse me) looking at my junk for months and never left a comment...I did get an anonymous comment a while back from someone that said they had been readin' me from the get-go and i was quite flattered...they even have a nickname now...
But concerning how things grow I will submit to you the Brussel Sprout...first time I saw one it bleeeuuuwww my mind...since we are all adults and know how to google here I will decline spending the next ten minutes leaving a link that has a 50% chance of working...

And the most beautiful plant in my opinion? The Eggplant with its deep green leaves and Purple Blossoms and Black Shiny fruit!

5:06 PM  
Blogger Ulysses said...

So, you're saying there are actually people who search for "sad dog stories"?

7:06 PM  
Blogger Reya Mellicker said...

Lentils are a wonderful variety of pea, but I admit I've never googled them.

You see? This is the very reason I never look at m stat counter! Dealing in Subterfuges used to post every Friday about the google searches that brought people to her blog. Those posts were hilarious.

7:41 PM  
Blogger playfulinnc said...

Well, I'm here because I had a great conversation with you, so there!

Lentil, bo-bentils.

Hiya from NC, Mac computer.

9:11 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Steve -- You are so right about brussel sprouts. I would never have imagined that's what they looked like growing! I have grown eggplants and I do agree they are regal veggies.

Ulysses -- There is probably one hit a day on my Blog for "sad dog stories". Who in the world wants to read these? I like happy dog stories much better.

Reya -- That's about as much I knew about lentils before writing that post, that and the fact that I liked them in just about any recipe.

Mrs. Playful -- So good to hear from you. I remember eons ago when we met at one of the little Blogger happy hours, yes? I wish you were still around, but it sounds like your life in NC is just what you wanted.

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barbara, I can't say that, until this morning, I've ever wondered where lentils come from or how they're grown. (However, I have wondered about how amaryllis bulbs and roses are propagated, Googled these and played in the garden with the results, successfully in the case of amaryllis, unsuccessfully in the case of roses.) So, now you've got me thinking about lentils! I'll probably never try to grow them, but I am beginning to feel hungry for some!

7:53 AM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Bengal -- I love the slightly nutty flavor of lentils. I just may need to cook up a batch.

So how do you propagate an amaryllis bulb?

8:45 AM  
Blogger Barbara said...

I cheated -- instead of cooking lentils I ordered lentil stew with Toulousse sausage for lunch today at La Ruche in G'town. It totally satisfied my craving for lentils. Real comfort food indeed.

4:09 PM  

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