Friday, January 18, 2008

Feelings of Gratitude

I have recently been reminded of the large gap that exists between the rich and the poor in this country. I’m certainly not among the richest, but my life is so easy compared to that of many others.

Today as I sat in the free clinic waiting for Glenda to get the baby’s jaundice checked, I watched the never-ending overhead TV. It seemed ironic that the feature show was about expensive dog-wear, featuring glitzy sweaters starting at $49. I’m not sure how many of those in the waiting area even understood the show, but they must have wondered about Americans who were spending that kind of money on their pets.

Yesterday when I went to Good will in a desperate attempt to find a coat for little Angeli, I realized that many of the things on those racks had been worn little or not at all. I was able to buy a fleece sleeper, an infant bunting, and a small snowsuit for $10 because rich people whose babies had too much or had outgrown them dropped off their garbage-bags full of clothes.

I take it for granted that I can get in any one of four cars to go wherever I need to go, when Glenda’s family has not even one car. They rely on their feet and the bus to take them to work and to school and home again.

Certain things transcend economic boundaries. I count as one of my prize possessions the fact that I now have a “nieta adoptiva”, an adopted grandchild. Glenda told me today that I could consider Angeli as my surrogate grandchild until I had one of my own.


Blogger Pauline said...

And even after you have one of your own, I'll bet. Once babies creep into your heart, they're apt to stay there. You and Glenda are both lucky to have found one another.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Pauline -- I agree. I like to think it was meant to be.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glenda is surely blessed to have you as a friend. Maybe you could give her one of your four cars. That would really help her and her baby out, and would be such a nice thing for you to do!

10:52 AM  
Blogger GEWELS said...

I agree that Glenda is so lucky to have found you (or you her, as it were).
Glenda, and many more like her, who have managed to make it to this country may not have the best of everything. But, I bet they feel that they have much more than those who were left at home.( At least in opportunity). As long as they make the choice to succeed.

2:07 PM  
Blogger Mother of Invention said...

I just went to Goodwill and got a brand new pair of gap jeans for $9. It just makes sense to go there. Why totally support the industrial world making so much more stuff while polluting the planet, when we don't always need to buy all that new from the regular stores?
You are passing on some life and coping skills to Glenda for sure.

11:25 AM  

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