Daily Indulgences
I grew up in a household where there was absolutely no alcohol, not even one drop. My mother came from an alcoholic family and never wanted to see whether she too contained a predisposition to abuse alcohol. I was thoroughly indoctrinated growing up. Other than drinking a few beers on the Florida beach and requisitioning a fifth of vodka from an older guy friend which I proudly shared with my girl gang as we laced our McD’s orange drinks, I was mostly alcohol free.
I went away to college and my friend and one-time roommate M, who was 4 years older, determined to teach me to drink. When I went to her apartment, we had real cocktails – things like 7 & 7. We never got drunk, but I learned to enjoy the effect of a little liquor.
What I soon came to find out, as did my dates, was that instead of a predisposition to binge, I have a cut-off switch that simply puts me to sleep if I attempt to drink more than one or two glasses of anything alcoholic. More than one guy lamented over the fact that instead of making me feel sexy, alcohol was simply soporific for me.
So today, I usually have one glass of wine that lasts from the time I start cooking until I take my last bite of dinner. It can be red or white, but only one glass.
And after dinner I treat myself to one small square of dark chocolate, letting it melt in my mouth as I experience that pleasure that only chocolate can bring.
At this rate, a bottle of wine and a chocolate bar last just about a week. My husband seldom imbibes, but he too likes dark chocolate, sometimes not stopping at one square.
If my mother is smiling down on me from heaven, she will be relieved to know that even though I will die a Jew, I will not die an alcoholic Jew. In fact, I can’t think of a better way to go when the time comes than just slipping away after my glass of wine and single bite of chocolate.
"Indulgences"? Haven't you heard? Red wine and dark chocolate are the new health foods!
MC -- Here's to all of our good health as we luxuriate in wine and chocolate! Food of the gods, for sure!
all those antioxydants are good for you! I'm glad to see that you are drinking decent wine (La Crema). Maybe when you come visit your daughter we can do some wine tasting in Napa or Sonoma.
I think life it too short to drink bad wine, eat cheap chocolate or drink pale coffee!
Kellyann -- I agree. I might be taking you up on that offer sooner than you think!
As a child I often found in my Christmas stocking a tiny boxed "leaf" of sparkling maple sugar candy. I loved it so much that I'd allow myself only one "crumble" per day until the leaf was gone. (By contrast, I'd zoom through a half-pound bag of peanut M&Ms over the course of a double feature!) I like imagining you savoring your special favorites!
-- F.
My parents never drank either (they never could afford it--) but we did see chocolate.
Yes, a little is good for you! Banning it would be silly and maybe cause a person to feel cranky and ... wouldn't life be tedious if we watched everything like a policeman?
OH! Maple Sugar candy-- I can relate to what F. says.
I never cared when it was in the syrup state on my pancakes, , but make it into candy and it was very, very special indeed.
Anon -- I think things sometimes taste better when you know you just get one taste. I can just picture you making the maple sugar leaf last!
Squirrel -- Our parents were probably of the same era, growing up during the Depression. I wonder if this current economic crisis will leave such a mark on those suffering the most?
I quite agree with you about maple sugar candy over maple syrup.
You were just like my old girlfriend Suzie!
I kept trying to get her drunk but she had a cut off switch too.
Know how I finally got her?
Took her to see "Butterflies are Free" and I cried after the show.
Tore her heart out.
Chocolate and red wine TOGETHER are even better!
(LOL at Bulletholes' comment...)
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