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Friday, October 24, 2008

Read to Me

Can you believe I’ve never listened to a recorded book – a book-on-tape? I’m going to find out what this is all about on my upcoming road trip to Chicago. We (who are not driving) now have something to do with our hands, but we all need something to engage what’s left of our brains during at least some of those 25-30 hours in the car.

Here’s your big chance to make a contribution to our trip. If you have listened to anything recently that seems like it would be good background material for knitting and driving, let me know.

None of you readers is timid, so I expect a wide range of suggestions. Remember we are all on the other side of 50 and we shy away from violence and relentlessly bad language. Other than that, it’s fair game. Bring on the suggestions!


Blogger Kate said...

When Allyson and I drove from DC to Arizona last year, we listened to the Thursday Next books! Jasper Fforde is the author. Start with The Eyre Affair. They are fascinating fantasies about biblio cops.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Kristin said...

I actually like listening to classics on tape - Charles Dickens, Dante, Thoreau. It brings new life to the stories, but I'm not sure about sharing them. Have you all read Water for Elephants?

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alexander McCall Smith's of "Number One Ladies' Detective Agency," books are great for the car. They're beautifully read and the stories are like travelogues and cultural tours of a very civilized society in Botswana--as well as being good stories.

Judy K.

8:34 PM  
Blogger Kellyann Brown said...

Good Calll, Judy, I love the audio recording of Number One Ladies' Detective Agency. I like Water for Elephants, but it took awhile to warm up to it...

Right now I am reading Peter Senge's The Fifth Discipline (but I know... borinnnnnng!) Can you tell I listen to alot of audiobooks? It's true! I have a forty minute commute and like using the time effectively (rather than obsessing over all the work that never seems to get DONE). I think you should find out what types of books your fellow passsengers like. I know that Dr. R. hates to listen to audiobooks, but lets me listen when I am the driver. I really enjoyed listening to Jane Austen that way... oh! and the 13th tale was a great audio book ( I often had to stay in the car at the end of the drive to finish the chapter).

8:43 PM  
Blogger e said...

Do you like novels, non-fiction, mysteries? History?

I like a range of authors from Sara Paretsky to Isabelle Allende to Lilian Jackson Braun...

9:25 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Wow! With all of these suggestions, we could probably go across the country several times. Thanks so much for the ideas!

Water for Elephants was already on the car owner's short list. I'll give you a report on what we finally decide on and how we like it (them).

11:07 PM  
Blogger media concepts said...

I tried once for five minutes. Couldn't do it. I guess I like to hear my own voice in my head when I read.

11:51 PM  
Blogger lettuce said...

i know what i'd suggest - Jeeves and Wooster!
(read by someone british)

my parents used to listen to books on tape a LOT - Austen, Dicken, Brideshead

good idea
what are you knitting? I love the colours

3:47 AM  
Blogger Barbara said...

MC -- I'll have to see if I can really listen to someone other than myself. We sound so egotistical!

Lettuce -- Each of us is knitting a scarf on this trip to the Midwest. My yarn is at the bottom of the cat post. Wish you were coming along to help when we do things like drop a stitch! None of us is an experienced knitter.

7:08 AM  
Blogger Gary said...

I found it! Your post sent me on an online scavenger hunt, of sorts, to find a book that I think is PERFECT for your trip. I listened to it when I drove alone to Florida about 10 years ago and I loved it.

The title is Follow Your Heart by Susan Tamaro and it is read by Joan Plowright. If you listen to anything, listen to this. If you don't like it I'll refund your money (if you buy it rather than borrow it from the library). It is a short 'read' and very touching.

The other book I listened to is the autobiography of Helen Keller. Some of which has influenced my teaching and ideas.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Gary -- Thanks so much for doing the necessary digging to find what must be a gem of a book!

4:55 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Gary -- This is sort of spooky. I had been thinking about "the heart" for days now. After writing my post today, I just returned to the title of the book you recommended. "Follow Your Heart" is now a must-listen-to!

8:04 PM  

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