Saturday, January 31, 2009

Adult Babysitting

Today is my first experience with Barbara-sitting. My husband went off to services at Temple Micah today and left me in the capable hands of my friend Deborah. He had already arranged “sitting” with our good friends KC and LR, but this is when Deborah could come play music, so they will get their turn next week, possibly when he has to go out again.

You may have noticed the absence of photos lately on my Blog. It seems my camera somehow disappeared either in the ambulance ride or in the ER or somewhere else in the hospital. I’ve missed being able to pull it out of my backpack and take pictures, even though most of my pictures are amateurish at best.

Given that we didn’t have to spend money on a recliner or on other equipment, I persuaded my husband to buy a replacement camera for me off the Internet. I hope it comes today so I can resume taking pictures.

The refrigerator is stocked with countless leftovers from good cooks who have shared with us over the past week. A beautiful white box of the best chocolate chip cookies, made my none other than my favorite female rabbi, sits on the kitchen counter.

Cut flowers and the most beautiful double orchid ever from Blogger buddies Gewels and Bulletholes adorn the house.

The level of dog hair is no worse than usual. Some things don’t change.


Blogger Aileen said...

It sounds like you are doing really well in your recovery!

It also sounds like it's been an opportunity to really see how loved and cared for you are...:)

10:43 AM  
Blogger Kristin said...

Enjoy the company! Please let me know if there's anything I can do or bring or send. I know my schedule's crazy at times, but I'd be happy to come and chat for a while.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Avid Reader said...

It's good to have friends, and your dear significant other, you are truly blessed.

11:56 AM  
Blogger e said...

I'm glad everything is working out so well for you. Your support system is incredible. My ceremony and the service were beautiful and so was the outpouring of welcome...

I'll let you know more later. Info on where to find Theme Thursday is in the Comments Section of my last posting and you can find more on Coffee Messiah's Blog.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Merle Sneed said...

My best wishes. Mrs. Sneed once had major knee surgery and I was an angel of mercy in her recovery. A legend in my own mind.

7:31 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

I'm no Polyanna, but life could be a lot worse. I enjoyed playing music and Scrabble this morning. Everyone visiting had lunch from all the wonderful leftovers in my refrig. Somehow the afternoon slipped by. It's been 13 hours since I had a pain pill.

Merle -- I can imagine you were extremely attentive to Mrs. Sneed when she was in need and she would do the same for you if the need were to arise. That's what helpmates are!

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so heartwarming to read about each new day full of visits, food, flowers, and other gestures of love and caring from your circle of Dear Ones!

Sorry to hear about the loss of your camera! I hope the replacement arrives safely. I love seeing your photos along with your's part of the story and part of your "voice."


11:46 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Anon -- I'm really hoping the camera arrives in Monday's mail. It's sort of like a friend gone missing. I really should take a photography course to learn how to use it.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

Wish I were there. Would love to spend time with you but also am trying to get back to knitting and could use some constructive criticism.


10:29 AM  

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