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Friday, July 24, 2009

5 Little Words


Bozoette offered to throw out 5 words to anyone who wanted a writing challenge, so I said sure. They came with no real instructions, so here goes.

Family can be the cause for extremes in emotions in our household at least. Both love and hate bubble to the surface when we are all thrown together as we learn how to exist together once again. I find myself trying to right the wrongs of decades as I sometimes struggle to make sure love wins out in the end. I think I’m going to adopt the attitude of fellow Blogger Kellyann, who recently commented, “I tell my family that we don’t have the luxury of being offended at each other.”

My mother was a role model for community service. I was sometimes jealous that she spent so much of her time helping others, as though she was really neglecting me, her only child! But now I find I must have gotten that gene, because nothing makes me happier than reaching out to the larger community and giving someone a hand. I read to children in a homeless shelter in Anacostia as my current service to the community. It’s definitely a win-win activity.

Who ever heard of organic when we were growing up? We shopped at the Piggly Wiggly and collected our Green Stamps, with little thought to how the food was grown or where it had come from. But things have changed. Movies like Food Inc. have convinced some of us that it’s worth the extra price to be rid of the pesticides and anything else that might make food seem more perfect that it is. We would like to think that much of what we eat was either in the ground or running around happily eating grass fairly recently and quite close to home.

Playing music is an important part of my life these days. For many years I was a “closet” pianist, not really wanting anyone other than my family to hear me play. When I was a teenager, my mother tried to get me to enter a piano competition. I lay awake nights worrying about it and finally said NO, to her dismay. As an adult, I have learned how much fun it can be to share music in an unthreatening setting. But most importantly, I have learned to play with others. That experience is perhaps the ultimate in a dance partner as you take turns leading and following. The result is richer than either instrument would ever be by itself.

The last word -- light -- throws me for a loop. In trying to discover my own personal connection to it, I came to realize just how many meanings the word can have. I have a light-colored dog named Jake. I can drink a Coors Light. On most days I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Occasionally someone or something lights my fire. I am a Blogging light-weight, compared to many with a much bigger following.

Well, that was fun. For once, I didn’t start the day with a blank slate, but rather my slate had 5 words on it. Want some words? Just let me know!


Blogger bozoette said...

Wonderful! I gave the word "family" to everyone who asked for words; it's been fascinating to read all the different interpretations. Thanks for yours.

12:05 PM  
Blogger Kellyann Brown said...

The world's smallest novel using bozoette's words:

The family sat in the section reserved for them at the funeral parlor, listening to the music playing in the background, an organic rendition of "The Heavenly Light".


9:37 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Bozoette -- Thanks for the "inspiration"!

Kellyann -- This is great. If I had thought of it, I could have saved myself about 500 words!

10:22 PM  
Blogger karen said...

I enjoyed this, especially your comments on music! have a great weekend x

3:53 AM  
Blogger Steve Reed said...

What a great idea! I like Kellyann's approach, too. (It's the editor in me, LOL.) Sure, shoot me five words. I'll see what I can do. :)

11:53 AM  
Blogger Kellyann Brown said...

I have to admit, the first time I read the word "organic", I thought it had an "s"...

Here's another small novel:

He sat in the small family waiting room surrounded in cool, impersonal florescent light, his earbuds sending out a music valium, in the hallway, dinner service was trucked by, huge stacks of metal covers hiding food best kept hidden. He prayed that the organic transplant team would reach the hospital in time.

1:26 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Karen -- Music is such an important part of my life. I'm glad there was a word to fit that in!

Steve -- I just sent you some optional sets of 5 words. It turns out to be quite difficult to choose the words for someone else.

Kelly -- Are you ready for your own set of 5 words or would you rather continue to think about mine? :)

Another very good piece of flash fiction!

2:14 PM  
Blogger Pauline said...

Have I missed my chance to ask for five words? (That's what I get for playing hooky on the back of a motorcycle.)

8:10 AM  

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