Wednesday, July 01, 2009

On the fast track

As I came out of the local rec center where I swim, I couldn’t help noticing the discarded food containers around my car. They were certainly in keeping with the trends we learned about in Food Inc. last week.

But a rec center is supposed to be a place where people go to get healthy and stay fit. Instead one would think people come there to eat fast food in the parking lot.

This is a large contributor to obesity in children and the propensity to contract diabetes at any age. The numbers on both of these should be a wake-up call to the youth of this country, but instead they are still focused on nuggets and pizza.


Blogger Kristin said...

I can't remember the last time I had fast food, but it was probably on a road trip rather than a rec center parking lot. We definitely need to wake up.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

I read about that documentary and am torn between wanting to see it and being forever altered in my perception of food. What will I eat after seeing this movie?

Everyone I know has food issues. The funny thing is that the foods that my family and friends eat to stay healthy is in direct conflict with one another. Foods one eats is considered poison by the other. Confusing.

5:47 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Kristin -- You and fast food just don't compute!

Gary -- The movie doesn't make the case that ALL food is bad. It does however imply that you should be discerning about how the food was raised/grown. I'm sure you could have biodynamic/organic beans and rice for less than the cost of a meal at McD's.

Can you explain that last paragraph?!

10:06 PM  
Blogger Gary said...


My brother-in-law is allergic to gluten and has a great deal of knowledge about food related issues such as eating for your blood type, digestive problems, healthy choices, alternative food choices, man's manufacturing of food, etc.

The foods that he says are the best to eat are the foods that my vegan friend says you should eat. She eats mostly gluten and soy products which he considers the worst for us.

I was with her at a vegan restaurant eating a plate full of gluten and thinking I was eating oh so healthy but then I told my brother-in-law who said it was poison, man-made food that will lead to intestinal problems like bloating, gas and blockage.

I hope this is a little clearer. Anyway, I am left wondering who is right?

12:07 PM  

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