We Have Spoken

I just listened to his speech from Grant Park in Chicago, where he called on all Americans, those who supported him and those who did not, to come together as we as a country move forward to try to enact the change he has called for.
This was truly a historic moment. The color barrier has been broken at the highest office in our land. I suddenly feel very proud to be an American. I feel hopeful for my country's future. And I am happy that Virginia, my state, helped make this happen.
(The beautifully carved pumpkins were the work of our neighbor's daughter, who is not only a big Obama fan but also a great artist!)
(Postscript) I had always thought of a landslide as a race in which one candidate got virtually ALL the votes. However, after MediaConcept's comment I found this, which indicates that last night's victory indeed falls into a list of other prestigious wins which have been called landslides. I happily stand corrected that Obama made history in more ways than one! Thanks, MC, for keeping me honest!

I was watching all those people waving flags in Grant Park, and I felt like waving one too! It's been a LONG TIME since I've felt that way!
Way to go, Virginia, and thanks to people like you for helping register voters! You made the difference!
congrats to all of you barbara!
woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done, Barbara, and congratulations! Virginia can be proud, and all those first-voters who felt compelled to vote, too!
a LOT of us are happy Virginia helped! Thank you! I stayed up for the whole thing - I don't think I've been up til past midnight in 20 years!
Me, too Steve - it's a good feeling isn't it?
Steve, Lettuce, Angela, Pauline -- This is the first time I feel like I have been sincerely invited to be a part of what happens next. That already marks a big CHANGE!
Yay for OBAMA!
Beautiful pumpkins. GREAT day. :)
Kristin -- Any other outcome would have thrown a kink into our plans for reading to the kids tomorrow night! :)
BTW, I have a letter from Obama in response to their letters to him. I will bring it to read tomorrow night!
Congratualations to you! To me! To all of us!
Thank you Barbara for all that you did to help...I am SOOOO proud of my state of Virginia right now!
And- you have a letter from Obama to the kids??? Can you post it?
I am both elated and disgusted this morning. As some of you have mentioned, it has been a long time since any president-elect has inspired me, and indeed, left me in tears, with his remarks. I look forward to seeing how he will resolve the issues facing us. That said, the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriages in my state apparently passed by a narrow margin, something I think reflects the worst of human nature. I am really disappointed!
Aileen -- The Obama letter is actually a form letter written to me as though I were a kid. I will read it to the kids as though it was directly written to each of them. It's a good message for any young person. I will post the relevant parts. And yes, I am very proud to be a REAL Virginian!
E -- Some walls are slow in coming down. Hopefully with time the gay marriage issue can be successfully resolved.
Way to go Barbara!
I feel the same sudden and solemn pride as you.
I kept torturing you with my indecision, but I could not have voted any other way than for the first black candidate for President. its to deep, too rich, too clear, and I can only wonder why it took so long.
so, way to go Barb!!!
Hurray for Virginia!!! I'm so glad that your hard work paid off.
Not a landslide? I beg to differ. Obama won with a more than 2 to 1 electoral vote margin and a 6 million popular vote margin. Democrats made significant gains in the House, the Senate, and in state Governor's mansions. It sure looks like a landslide to me.
Bulletholes -- See, he didn't screw up as you had predicted he would! Aren't you glad you voted for a winner?
Bozoette -- I would pound the pavement again in a minute for this result!
MC -- I was humbly bowing low as I added the PS to the above post. And this was from Fox!
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