
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Zelda's Big Day

My husband's Aunt Zelda in Chicago turned 100 this weekend, still questioning why anyone would give her a party, give her a present, even recognize the fact. She is one feisty old lady who is a role model for anyone growing old.

Within the past year, Zelda gave up her independence and moved into the Self Help Home, a place where she is around people constantly and where everyone knows her. She’s almost blind with macular degeneration, but that doesn’t stop her from “adopting” Estelle, a woman who can no longer speak. She seems to have a calming influence on Estelle, who otherwise seems rather mad at the world.

Zelda has always spoken whatever was on her mind. Today was no exception. She looked at one relative and greeted her with the fact that she had put on some weight. I guess her eyesight isn’t totally gone, but her tact is somewhat lacking.

But today people let her say anything she wanted and simply let any slights slide because she was 100 years old.

Her friends came from far and wide to recognize the day. She had family from Virginia, Arizona, Michigan, and Chicago. She had her young friend Kate whom she met 6 years ago as Kate was jogging when Zelda needed help crossing the street. She has friends from the Belmont, where she used to live. She has friends from her synagogue. And now she has friends from the Self Help Home.

My husband recapped her long life, doing sort of a mock interview of Zelda, and then he read something she had written 10 years ago on the secret to a long and happy life. Although there are bittersweet times in her life, for the most part it has been just that and it is nowhere near over.

Her social worker left her with this button, which just about says it all.


Blogger Pauline said...

good for Zelda! I think feistiness may have something to do with reaching an advanced age - my Vermont friend Lora will be 101 in April and she is a feisty little scrapper with a wicked sense of humor.

7:00 AM  
Blogger mouse (aka kimy) said...

happy birthday to zelda!! what a wonderful tribute!

if you make it to 100 you do earn the right to say whatever enters your head!!

I hope you will share with your readers what aunt zelda wrote ten years ago about the secret to a long and happy life!

7:47 AM  
Blogger Steve Reed said...

Wonderful! Can you imagine how much she's seen in 100 years?? Wow. All the inventions, the social changes -- it blows my mind.

I think it's great that people lose their "filter" as they get older and just say whatever comes into their heads. That's a pretty healthy thing, at that age. :)

9:32 AM  
Blogger Cyndy said...

Thanks for sharing Zelda's party with us. Is that what 100 looks like? She looks great - like she could live for another ten years, at least!

10:07 AM  
Blogger Kristin said...

What a great party; thanks for sharing it. Happy birthday to Zelda. She sounds like a real pistol.

11:00 AM  
Blogger bozoette said...

Happy birthday to Zelda! She and my mom (age 97) would get along great.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doubt every centenarian loooks that good. It's all in the genes

12:32 PM  
Blogger e said...

Thanks for sharing such a wonderful tribute! Lechayim!

1:51 PM  
Blogger Mother of Invention said...

That's amazing! Happy 100th to her and I hope she keeps on for awhile yet.

5:39 PM  
Blogger Kellyann Brown said...

She looks great for 100!!! Happy Birthday to Zelda (those Scorpios will outlive everyone, just out of spite!)

My Mom has been saying things that just pop out of her head, but she says that HER father used to say that, "Old women get notionate!" I like that phrase and have decided to get notionate earlier rather than later!

Sounds like you are really enjoying your Chicago trip!

8:41 PM  

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