Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Resetting my body clock

We are definitely creatures of habit.  That might explain why our bodies complain about being being dropped halfway around the world where day is night and night is day.
I always feel like I’m walking through a fog for a few days after a big time change like this one.  I managed to unpack, do my laundry, make a trip to the grocery store, and go to choir practice today, but every one of those things took an extreme effort.  Mid-afternoon I lay down for a nap and had a hard time getting up.  I keep reminding myself that the first day back is always the worst.
If the rule of thumb holds true, it will take me 11 days to fully adjust to the 11 hour time difference.  
Maybe I should just take Jake’s approach and sleep all the time.


Blogger Pauline said...

Just home myself from a trip to see family on the West Coast and adjusting to a mere three hour time change. Browsed through your posts about your trip - it's like being there with you! Welcome home!

8:06 AM  
Blogger karen said...

wow! Been away from blogging for a while, now just trying to catch up - your trip to Thailand is fascinating.. hope your are feeling more back to normal by now, and welcom back home!!

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part of the adjustment for me also is my psyche absorbing and integrating the experiences I've had while away...

Hope you're feeling less fuzzy today!


1:22 PM  

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